Reason Why Christian Believers Must Be Holy

Reason Why Christian Believers Must Be Holy

Pastor Adedipupo Christopher Adedejo

Autore: Pastor Adedipupo Christopher Adedejo
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 56
Data Pubblicazione: 2020-09-24
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

By the grace of God, all the chapters of this book have been painstakingly written with divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the Gods revelations of his word that he hath bestowed upon me to bring up this good works for the use of mankind.This book is written by God grace to build you up as an excellent Christian and to broaden your knowledge and your understanding about holiness and the reasons why christian believers must be holy.Holiness is totally obedient, and without missing word, holiness is the absolute obedience without toiling with it, God is holy, and he wants you to be holy. Holiness is the nature of God; God wants you to be holy in all thy ways, and in thy characters.You will find this book more interesting and get more copies of these books, send them to your friends and to thy enemies. And show them that you really love them and care for every one of them, and by sending gifts to thy enemies, And God will surely reward you for winning their souls for the kingdom of God.