Synthesis and Structural analysis of Gd-Ni-Zn Nano-ferrites

Synthesis and Structural analysis of Gd-Ni-Zn Nano-ferrites

Santhosh kumar M V

Autore: Santhosh kumar M V
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 100
Data Pubblicazione: 2020-11-04
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The book covers an expanded range of methods and processes in greater depth than has been customary in materials processing books. Chapter 1 reviews the foundational of ferrites, nanoferrites and types of ferrites. Chapter 2 covers the methods of synthesis techniques and fundamental concepts of solidstate reaction, solgel synthesis and processing. Chapter 3 introduces the Powder Xray studies. The chapters in this book can be pretty much considered as standalone; this helps those who are at the very beginning of an education in the processing of ferrites and their essential characterization tools; the others can be read in any order you like.