Determination of some Isoflavonoids against mammary cell carcinoma

Determination of some Isoflavonoids against mammary cell carcinoma

Jyoshna Rani Dash,Gurudutta Pattnaik,Biswakanth Kar

Autore: Jyoshna Rani Dash,Gurudutta Pattnaik,Biswakanth Kar
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 64
Data Pubblicazione: 2020-11-10
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

To evaluate the anticancer activity of Limonia acidissima Linn (Rutaceae) which has long been used traditionally for various infectious and malignant diseases. The fruit extract of Limonia acidissima Linn was obtained by macerating 3 times with methanol and then concentrating it at reduced pressure. Bioassay of the extract was carried out to assess the anticancer activity. Breast cancer cell lines, SKBR3 and MDA MB435, were used for invitro cell proliferation, cell viability assay, and cell cycle analysis of the extract.Results: Bioassay of the extract of Limonia acidissima Linn. showed that a fraction (fraction 3) of the ethanol extract had anticancer activity against SKBR3 and MDAMB435 human breast cancer cells. The effective dose (ED50) of Limonia acidissima Linn. fraction 3 was 56.1 and 30.6 ?g/ml for SKBR3 and MDAMB435, respectively. After 48 h of exposure, this fraction (100 ?g/ml) significantly reduced cell proliferation in both cancer cell lines. In MDAMB435 cells, cell cycle analysis showed that fraction 3induced the accumulation of cells in G2/M phase, but no significant change in cell cycle was detected in SKBR3 cells.