

Mohamed Abdel-Raheem,Amany Siam

Autore: Mohamed Abdel-Raheem,Amany Siam
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 64
Data Pubblicazione: 2021-06-09
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

The Trichogramma parasitoid is one of the most important organisms that are used in biological control programs to eliminate many pests of squamata, which cause the largest proportion of economic damage to agricultural crops, as the female parasitoid searches for the host's eggs, which are inferred by the chromon that helps her in determining the whereabouts of eggs In order to go to it and deposits its eggs inside it, the process of parasitism and spoilage of the eggs of the pests belonging to Lepidoptera, is therefore considered to be one of the most important components of biological control. Trichogramma destroys the pests there's no defense against that. Chemicals are as toxic to you as they are to the pests, and often ineffective against the targeted pest due to resistance. Instead of coating the plants with toxic substances, it seems logical to this goddess to have Trichogramma working round the clock. The bad guys don't stand a chance.