Incomplete Industrialisation

Incomplete Industrialisation

Arnab Bhattacharya

Autore: Arnab Bhattacharya
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 108
Data Pubblicazione: 2021-11-18
Edizione: 1
Lingua: English

This book is born out of investigations into the role of government expenditure, social and economic services expenditure to be specific, in creating industrial locations, so that such locations (henceforth called regions interchangeably) attract investment and exhibit regional growth. The purpose is to evaluate the importance of the State governments intervention in creating industrial locations for firms directly or indirectly. The literature reviews and the empirical work explains the link between government expenditure, industrialisation and the factors that lead to inequality among locations in India. The body of knowledge that is discussed and presented is interdisciplinary and encompasses the fields of economic geography and regional studies. The methods used to arrive at conclusions are both qualitative and quantitative, combining historical materialist conceptions with economistic models.