Clover White Gazonnant Riesling - Trifolium Repens - White Clover - SEM14

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Turfing White Clover Riesling - Trifolium Repens - White Clover - (Green Manure) - SEM14

Conditioning: 3 grams (in 4x6 Zip bag) 15 and 40 grams (in 8x12 Zip bag) 100 and 250 grams (in 15x18 Zip bag) 500 grams (in 18x23 Zip bag)

Spring/Summer sowing: April to May
Autumn/Winter sowing: September
flower colors: White
Height: 30cm
Family: Fabaceae
Exposure: sun
Multiannual: Yes
Seed: Untreated

Rustic, low and compact.
Resists trampling.
Prolonged flowering is very popular with bees,
Water the first year

White clover hollandicum - Intermediate foliage
Riesling, Classified as an intermediate to broad leaf variety, belongs to the hollandicum type. Tolerates very short grazing as well as infrequent mowing. High contribution to forage yield

As a green manure, will provide nitrogen for the grasses of the association.
Moderately disturbed by slugs.

The + variety
There are three types of white clover:
Of the hollandicum or dwarf type, it has small leaves and many anchor points on the ground. It is not very competitive with associated grasses and is rather used in grazing systems.
Ladino or giant type, it is characterized by the lower density of its anchor points and its ability to make rods. Its leaflets are large and it competes strongly with associated grasses. It is used in a mixed mowing – pasture farming system with predominantly mowing.
Intermediate type, it is suitable for all operating systems, both mowing and grazing. It is a plant of light and heat that adapts to all
healthy to dry soils, whose pH is between 6 and 8.

Conditioning: 3 grams (in 4x6 Zip bag) 15 and 40 grams (in 8x12 Zip bag) 100 and 250 grams (in 15x18 Zip bag) 500 grams (in 18x23 Zip bag) Riesling, Classified as an intermediate to broad leaf variety, belongs to the hollandicum type. Tolerates very short grazing as well as infrequent mowing. High contribution to forage yield Of the hollandicum or dwarf type, it has small leaves and many anchor points on the ground. It is not very competitive with associated grasses and is rather used in grazing systems. Ladino or giant type, it is characterized by the lower density of its anchor points and its ability to make rods. Its leaflets are large and it competes strongly with associated grasses. It is used in a mixed mowing – pasture farming system with predominantly mowing. Intermediate type, i
Couleur des fleurs Blanc
Période de floraison Eté
Variété Engrais vert - Green manure
Caractéristiques Bisannuelle, Annuelle
Type Graine
Sous-type Plante verte