Bringing Up Baby (Criterion Collection) [New Blu-ray]

Title: Bringing Up Baby (Criterion Collection)

Format: Blu-ray

Label: Criterion Collection

Genre: Comedy Video

UPC: 715515261418

Release Date: 2021

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Stodgy, affianced paleontologist David Huxley (Cary Grant) had his worries between finding the last bone for a brontosaur skeleton and wheedling a six-figure grant for his museum. He then caught the interested eye of flighty, fun-loving society gal Susan Vance (Katharine Hepburn), who proceeded to undo his ordered existence-with some aid from a tame leopard named Baby. Howard Hawks' dismissed-in-it's-day screwball classic co-stars Charles Ruggles, May Robson, Barry Fitzgerald. 102 min. Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital mono; Subtitles: English (SDH); audio commentary; bonus documentary "Howard Hawks: A Hell of a Good Life" (1977); featurettes; audio excerpts; theatrical trailer.

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