John Wayne double-bill. In 'Pittsburgh' (1942), coalminer's daughter Josie Winters (Marlene Dietrich) has two beaus competing for her affection: Cash Evans (Randolph Scott) and Pittsburgh (Wayne). Both men work in the coal mine, but are encouraged by Josie to better their lot in life. Pitt becomes wealthy as a steel producer, but when Josie chooses him over Cash he spurns her in order to marry for power. Josie turns to Cash, who himself builds a successful business just as Pitt's empire begins to crumble - and all this on the eve of the Second World War. The rivalry between the two men looks set to continue, but will the outbreak of war put things in a new perspective? In 'Dakota' (1945), professional gambler John Devlin (Wayne) finds himself considering a drastic change of lifestyle after falling in love with Sandy (Vera Ralston), the daughter of a wealthy railway tycoon. The couple decide to travel across the country to set up a homestead in Dakota. Along the way they face adversity and adventure at nearly every turn.