Carter, manager of an exclusive all-female pool tour, discovers Roz in a backstreet pool hall. When he sees her bending to take her shot, he can't resist putting his marker down to play her. But when he signs Roz up to his tour, she discovers that the dominant Carter has a taste for the perverse, enforces a strict training regime, and that an exhibition match is just that.

Just a little extra note - My 79 year old mom recently passed away (Summer 2022), and she volunteered at our local Friends of the Library at the nearby community college.The books were just going to go to a book recycler, so I volunteered to sell them. All profits from this sale will go towards a scholarship created in her name at the local community college
We think she would get a giggle out of where the funds selling these books comes from, and she was never one to yuck your yum for what is on your reading table.

I think of this genre as a top shelf book, as that is where some books were kept out of the kids reach in our house growing up. I attempted a few of those top shelf books. One comes to mind is Fear of Flying by Erica Jong. I read a couple of chapters, and ummm, put it back. I did read Nakoa's Woman all the way through, with the help of the street light shining outside my bedroom window. That was also my method of Nancy Drew books as a middle schooler, so no alarms were raised when this book crept in the stream of light coming through my curtains that my bed post held open.