Heroquest custom-made Cards, US version, professionally printed!

Kellar's Keep and Return of the Witch Lord artifact cards were originally featured on the last page of the US questbook and required to be cut away (damaging the questbook). They had also a tiny size and due to the handmade cut they were usually featuring irregular edges. This set of custom made cards instead matches the size and aspect of the standard 1989 North American version of the cards included in the Game System.
I've set up a combined option to buy both sets together.

Whitch Lord Spells is a set of spells for the Witch Lord! If you're bored od experiencing a one shot kill for the main vilain of the game, then this set of cards is a must have!

Nature and Ice Spells are two sets of alternative spells for the wizard or the elf. The Wizard or the Elf may select these sets instead of the classic elemental spells. Nature spells fit very good a Druid character too!
The player must pick 3 cards from the chosen set (as it happen with the Elf Spells from the Elf Quest Pack). You may eventually allow the players to select an higher number as if they have grown their magic powers.

Treasure set features 3 cards originally missing in the Game-System, available only in the European version of the game: 
they are Holy Water, Potion of Speed and Nothing.

Tyrant's Tomb set features 14 cards (12 artifacts + 2 treasure cards). These cards are inspired by the three novels written by Dave Morris (The Fellowship of Four, The Sceaming Spectre and The Tyrant's Tomb), featuring almost all of the items mentioned in the books. There is aslo a fanmade solo questpack written by Yeolde Inn member Pancho. You can see the topic on the forum for more infos.

Card size is mm 55x89, same of the original vintage 1989-1992 US edition. Please check which version of the game you have at home to be sure they match your other cards. PLEASE NOTE: due to the nature of this product, a slightly difference of half of a millimeter may occur in card size.
Very limited quantity available.