This tea combines a chamomile base with hawthorne berry, eleuthero, and rose petals. With it’s delightful notes of ripe banana and sweet coconut, this tea leaves you feeling a lot better than any banana bread ever would. One group drank three cups of hibiscus tea a day; the other drank a hibiscus-flavored placebo. Near the end i switched to a 400 ml brew at 5 minutes for a slightly weaker tea. Fresh, leafy culinary herbs like parsley and basil make excellent herbal teas when chopped finely and infused for anywhere from three to 10 minutes in boiling water. Traditional medicinals is a solid brand and provides a quality peppermint tea product in bagged form. Celestial seasonings green tea is the perfect blend of natural ingredients that help you calm down and induce sleep. Having a well made detox tea after a holiday of overeating and/or eating can help redirect your digestive system to a healthier track. Instructions: Place 1 tea bag in 1 cup of hot water, steep for 8-10 minutes, drink 1 cup daily, use for 1-week minimum to see benefits and then as needed. This peppermint tea is simply just organic loose leaf peppermint. With organic rooibos, honeybush, and blueberries, this anxiety-banishing tea actually helps you stay trim by reducing the stress hormones that trigger hunger and fat storage.

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