The replica is one-sided. The replica is made of metal with enamel, the dimensions are shown in the photo.

Such an award will take a worthy place in your private collection, suitable for museums and social institutions, educational institutions, for filming, theater, children's matinees, performances, reconstructions and people who are fond of history and this subject. Great gift for Christmas, birthday or any other holiday.

Thank you for your interest in our listings. In our store, awards from all over the world are presented at an attractive price. Happy shopping and hope for long-term cooperation.

Description/history of the order:
Order of the Norwegian Lion
Established by the King of Sweden and Norway Oscar II on his 75th birthday on January 21, 1904. as the highest order of Norway
"in memory of the magnificent events associated with the venerable Coat of Arms of Norway." Abolished March 11, 1952.
Motto: "OVER DYBET / MOD / HØIDEN" (Across the abyss to the heights)