The Chronicles is a gen Blake's 7 fanzine published in Australia. Publisher is Clarke and Keating Ink.

It has a sister zine, an annual, Chronicles Annual, featuring content too long for the regular issues.

This zine contains articles, fiction, poetry, reviews, editorials & letter columns.

It was the winner of The Australasian Science Fiction Media Awards for Best Media Fanzine four years in a row and was nominated for FanQ Awards.

Chronicles 45 was published in July 1990 and contains 46 pages.

The art is by <=minds-i-view=> (front cover), Kathryn Andersen, Bernice Cuffe, and Fiona Ellem.

Susan Clarke and Joanne Keating, Editorial (3)

The Family Business, fiction by Moira Dahlberg (4)

Legacy, fiction by Jennie Leigh (7)

You Look Marvelous, fiction by Leah Rosenthal & Ann Wortham (reprinted from Interface #11) (9)

Decisions, fiction by Moira Dahlberg (21)

Walking the Thin Line, fiction by <=minds-i-view=> (23)

The Revenge of the Son of Avon, fiction by Sheila Tracy (28)

Wall of Honour, Episode 4: Do or Die!, fiction by Falcon D'Arenburg (29)

In the Twilight, fiction by Marianne Plumridge (39)

Letters of Comment (41)

Ads for zines etc. (42)

 Please don't hesitate to email with questions.