Published by Manacles Press, "McPikus Interruptus" is a Wiseguy anthology slash zine centering mostly on Frank/Vinnie stories (F/V), but also features Sonny/Vinnie (S/V), Roger/Vinnie (R/V), and Roger/Frank (R/F).

Four issues were published over the course of the 1990s by Manacles Press in 1992.

As with other zines from this press, these feature a very clean layout and no cover art or internal illustration.

The title is taken from an episode of the show: Frank interrupts Vinnie and his then-fiancee, Amber, during sex. Amber dubs this "McPikus interruptus."

McPikus Interruptus 1 contains 147 pages (85,500 words) and was published in February 1992.


Dry Biscuit Humor (ii)

Facets (by Maggie Hall) (1) (The author wrote Facets II: Stolen Moments, taking the premise of this story and making it a Bodie/Doyle one.) (This story was used as inspiration for the Wiseguy story by Gayle F called "Tease" that was in Risk.)

Opus Six (by Dovya Blacque) (14)

Opening Gambit (by M. Fae Glasgow) (18)

Closer to the Fire (by Harmony Lewis) (36)

Consolation Prize (by Dawn Woods) (50)

Safe Sex (by Sharon Idaho) (76)

The Golden Years (by Maggie Hall) (87)

At the Heart of a Quiet Man (by Melody C.) (117)