Kodak Easy Shot Gold Film Almighty Fuji C200 Color Negative Film 135 Film 24 35mm Single Roll Price

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Kodak Easy Shot 200 degrees 36 sheets in a roll
Kodak gold film roll of 36 sheets
Kodak Gold Film 36 sheets③Three rolls▲
Kodak gold film roll of 24 sheets█
  24 sheets of Kodak Gold Film ③Three rolls▲
Kodak almighty 36 sheets 400 degree roll
Kodak almighty 24 sheets of 400 degree roll █
Kodak Almighty 24 sheets 400 degrees ③Three volumes▲
  Paperback Fuji C200 Degree 36 Sheets in a Roll
Paperback Fuji XTRA 400 degrees 24 sheets a roll
  Fuma 400 degree black and white packaged in one roll
Hardcover Foma Etude 400 degrees black and white one volume




One: baby introduction:

Fuji Color Film C200,

135 size, 36 sheets per roll May 22 batch

Sensitivity ISO 200 degrees Daylight type film

Color elements suitable for landscape photography

Avoid high temperature and X-ray exposure

Please note: the price is the price of a single roll, a box of 3 rolls is packed, and there is no carton outer packaging when you buy it! It is recommended to take 3 volumes and multiples!








Three: film camera judgment and film installation introduction

Old-fashioned film cameras are suitable for film judgment

      Old-fashioned film cameras are divided into 135 cameras and 120 cameras, which are suitable for 135 film and 120 film respectively. If you're not sure what size film to use with your film camera. There are several ways to confirm.
1: If the camera specification and model are clear, you can enter the camera model on Baidu and other websites to confirm whether it is a 135 camera or a 120 camera.
2: If you don't know the camera specification and model, you can open the camera back cover. Measure the height of the film frame track behind the lens, if it is about 3.5 cm high, it is a 135 camera; if it is about 6 cm high, it is a 120 camera.
3: None of the above can be confirmed, you can take a screenshot of the front of the camera and the back of the camera cover and let us help you judge.
4: 90% of old-fashioned film cameras are 135 cameras, and 135 film cameras can basically install and take pictures of all 135 films.
5: If you are a beginner in taking pictures with a 135 camera, it is recommended to buy Kodak 200-degree gold film, Kodak Yipai film and Fuji c200 and other cheap film within 20 yuan to practice your skills, and then buy better film after you have a certain experience. Expensive professional film needs the cooperation of aperture, shutter and shooting skills to give full play to the unique advantages of this film, which is not necessarily suitable for practice.





Warranty period: 120 days

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