Star Wars Jedi Master Yoda Vintage 80s T Shirt Men’s Medium

Excellent condition, No holes or stains on shirt

There is a hole on the tag which can be seen in the last photo

Graphic is in amazing condition

Made in USA

Size: Men’s medium

Length: 28 inches

Width: 21 inches

Sleeve width: 7.5 inches


Star Wars comics Xmen spiderman hulk Funko pop Pokémon Pokémon games marvel comics dc comics vintage shirt Pokémon cards lightsaber Yoda darth Vader darth maul obi wan kanobi Luke skywalker anakin skywalker action figures figurines the avengers Yoda light saber Star Wars movie wolverine Star Trek captain America storm trooper starship Luke Skywalker Leia Organa Han Solo Darth Vader Obi-Wan Kenobi Yoda Emperor Palpatine Chewbacca R2-D2 C-3PO Rey Finn Poe Dameron Kylo Ren Anakin Skywalker Padmé Amidala Qui-Gon Jinn Mace Windu Count Dooku Jabba the Hutt Boba Fett Lando Calrissian Grand Moff Tarkin Admiral Ackbar Ahsoka Tano Captain Rex General Grievous Darth Maul Princess Amidala Jyn Erso Cassian Andor Director Krennic Saw Gerrera Bodhi Rook Nien Nunb Dengar IG-88 Bossk Ki-Adi-Mundi Plo Koon Kit Fisto Shaak Ti Aayla Secura Asajj Ventress Pre Vizsla Hondo Ohnaka Cad Bane Aurra Sing Grand Admiral Thrawn Ezra Bridger Sabine Wren Hera Syndulla Kanan Jarrus Zeb Orrelios Mon Mothma Bail Organa Sheev Palpatine Tusken Raiders Jawas Sandtroopers Snowtroopers Scout Troopers Death Troopers Boba Fett's Bounty Hunters Max Rebo Band Salacious B. Crumb Droidekas Medical Droids Battle Droids Super Battle Droids B1 Battle Droids B2 Super Battle Droids Clone Troopers Stormtroopers Resistance Members Resistance Pilots Resistance Engineers Resistance Technicians Resistance Gunners Resistance Soldiers Resistance Medics Resistance Navigators Resistance Commanders Resistance Lieutenants Resistance Captains Resistance Generals Resistance Admirals Resistance Heroes Resistance Operatives Resistance Spies Resistance Informants Resistance Officers Resistance Tactical Droids Resistance Security Droids Resistance Astromech Droids Resistance IT-O Interrogation Droid Resistance Protocol Droids lightsaber jedi sith force empire rebellion droid skywalker vader luke leia han solo chewbacca millennium falcon death star clone trooper stormtrooper darth maul boba fett anakin obi-wan kenobi darth sidious palpatine tatooine hoth endor naboo coruscant jedisithlord galacticempire rebelalliance thedarkside jedisithapprentice jedisithorder jedisithholocron jedisithsaber jedisithlegacy jedisithforce jedisithsithlord jedisithemperor jedisithrevan jedisithspace jedisithstar jedisithfleet jedisithstarfighter jedisithfighter jedisithgalaxy jedisithknights jedisithjedi jedisithsithlord jedisithobi jedisithben jedisithkenobi grunge hip-hop boy bands tamagotchi dial-up internet game boy pogs super nintendo beanie babies power rangers fresh prince of bel-air flannel shirts slap bracelets the simpsons seinfeld nirvana backstreet boys britney spears spice girls jurassic park friends pokemon tomagotchi scrunchies inline skates bill clinton furbies discman goosebumps nineties fashion baywatch gameboy color home alone full house saved by the bell 90210 clinton scandal mtv titanic space jam sandlot jurassic park nickelodeon cartoons dial-up internet y2k bug antique vintage classic retro nostalgic timeless collectible aged original rare heirloom historic period relic authentic charm appeal fashion decor furniture cars toys vinyl posters cameras jewelry watches record players appliances advertisements magazines art deco items market shop store dealer culture lifestyle aesthetic vibes