Wired On-Ear Faux Leather Stereo Headphones for Students, Teachers, Professors, Counselors  - Lightweight, Comfortable, and Portable

Comfortable: Leather ear pads are soft and comfortable to wear for extended periods of time.

Noise isolation: On-ear design provides some level of noise isolation, as the ear pads sit on your ears and block some ambient noise.

Durable: Leather is a durable material that can withstand regular use, ensuring that your headphones last a long time.

Multi-Colored Options: We offer a variety of vibrant colors that will not only make the headphones attractive to kids but also help differentiate between different classrooms or grades.

Suitable for Students of All Ages: Whether you have preschoolers, elementary school students, or even middle and high schoolers, our earbuds headphones are designed to cater to all age groups.

Hygienic Solution: Each student can have their own pair of earbuds headphones, reducing the risk of sharing germs. This promotes a healthier and safer environment for everyone.

Improved Classroom Management: By using different colored headphones for different classrooms or grade levels, it becomes easier for teachers to identify their students and manage the classroom more effectively.

Headphones for College Red Blue Green White Black Blue Pink Purple Grey Orange

Leather Headphones Student Value Pack

Bulk budget earphones earbuds headphones headsets school computer 3.5 mm classroom travel student

Sleek Design 

Libraries: Libraries often provide headphones for patrons to use with multimedia resources or language learning programs. 

Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities often purchase bulk headphones for use in computer labs, language learning labs, and testing environments. They allow students to listen to instructional content, take language lessons, and complete assessments without disrupting others.

Retain Shape and Comfort

Tour guides and museums: For tour guides at museums, landmarks, or historical sites, enable them to provide audio commentary to a large group of visitors. This enhances the guided tour experience and ensures that everyone can hear the guide clearly.

Travel and transportation: Be used by airlines, buses, trains, or other transportation services to provide passengers with in-flight or onboard entertainment options. They ensure that travelers have access to quality audio during their journeys.

Durable and Long-Lasting Material

Events and venues: Music festivals, conferences, exhibitions, and other large-scale events for simultaneous translation, audio systems, or silent discos where participants can listen to music without disturbing others.