FDC Independence Day Ukraine 2023 Ukraine-Mother  UKRPOSHTA

Ukrposhta issued in Ukraine on 24.08.2023.

On 24 August, Ukraine celebrates its biggest national holiday, Independence Day, which commemorates an exceptional historical event – the adoption of the Act of Independence of Ukraine by the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR in 1991. This document crowned the millennial aspirations of the Ukrainian people to have their own sovereign state and determine their own destiny. Our independence today is paid for at an extremely high price – the lives of Ukrainian defenders who stopped the invasion and are bringing the Victory over the russian aggressor and civilian casualties closer every day. The postage stamp, as interpreted by the artist Zinaida Kubar, depicts the majestic monument known to every Ukrainian, which stands on the Pechersk hills of Kyiv and is one of the tallest in the world (102 m, sculptor Vasyl Borodai). To mark the 32nd anniversary of Ukraine's Independence, the monument, which has its shield turned towards russia, was crowned with a trident instead of the dismantled coat of arms of the totalitarian regime.  Monument "Ukraine–mother".

Monumental sculpture in Kyiv. The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine did not make an official decision to rename the "Motherland-Mother" monument to "Ukraine-Mother" until August 24, 2023, as was announced the day before.

It is located on the high right bank of the Dnipro River, on the territory of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War. Opened in 1981. It is the tallest monumental sculpture in Europe.

The author of the monument is the Ukrainian sculptor Vasyl Borodai.

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