Beads, Bawbees and Banknotes is an interdisciplinary resource about MONEY! Published by Museum on the Mound in Edinburgh.


Aimed primarily at upper primary school pupils in Scotland (P5 – S1) its flexible format allows the resource to be adapted for any age group or ability and much of it will have relevance to students elsewhere in the UK.


The disc-based resource contains more than 400 stunning images, exclusive video clips and five lavish PowerPoint presentations:


-       Setting the Scene (an introduction to the resource);

-       What is Money? (a look at unusual currencies from the past);

-       Heads and Tails (an intriguing history of coins);

-       Making Notes (a detailed investigation of the features on banknotes);

-       Kists and Keys (an object-based discussion about keeping money safe).              


It can support study in many areas of the curriculum: social studies; expressive arts; technologies; numeracy; and literacy.


You may save, edit and adapt the PowerPoint presentations and print them off for study and display purposes.