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A complete guide to the Engine Houses of East Cornwall and Devon, by Damian Nance, Kenneth Brown and Tony Clake

Published by Lightmoor in 2023, 184 pages. Square paperback - c.21cm by 21cm (N8519)

Brand New Book

From the rear side cover: Nowhere in the world has metal mining been of greater importance than it has in Cornwall and Devon, and it is in recognition of this extraordinary heritage and the global influence of the pioneering technology developed here that the mining landscape of the two counties was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006 on a par with the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Wall of China. Duringthe 19th century, Cornwall and neighbouring Devon produced most of the world’s copper and tin, as well as significant amounts of lead...

The book is illustrated throughout with colour and black and white photographs.

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