The SIM cards listed in our store are intended for legitimate and lawful use only.
They are 
NOT associated with specific phone numbers, and buyers will need to verify and
activate these SIM cards with their chosen service providers

Our listings are designed to meet eBay's policies and all applicable laws.
ensuring no sale of personal contact information, social media items, or unsolicited contact tools
We do not offer items that involve personal contact details, social media interactions, or unsolicited messaging tools etc.


* Local Mexican SIM card

  1. SIM Card Condition: This SIM card is sold in an unactivated and unassociated state. It is not currently linked to any phone number

  2. Buyer's Responsibility: The buyer of this SIM card is responsible for activating it with cellular operator website.

  3. This SIM card will not work until activated by the buyer

If you have questions you can feel free to contact me
We are online 24/7