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Directional Magnetic Attunement WITH A FREE RECORDING OF YOUR SPELL

Welcome to our store where magic and science work together to help you achieve all your dreams in the most fast and effective way ! 

Directional Magnetic Attunement

Experience the Incredible Power of Creating Your Own Vortex

Harness the Laws of Attraction to Manifest Your Deepest Desires!

With the Magnetic Directional Vortex Attunement, watch your life transform with instant and amazing results.

The endless energy begins flowing from day one, creating a never-ending circle of unbeatable and immeasurable power.

This ancient spell, guarded secretly by the Kabbalists for centuries, is now available to you!

Through this enchantment, you will have the ability to materialize your thoughts and desires, visualizing and attracting what you want in life.

The powers within this enchantment will align the universe to bring you your heart's desires through the magnet vortex we will activate in you.

A potent and magnetic force, the Vortex, will surround you, drawing in the ancient forces to bless you with your deepest desires.

No barriers can withstand this unstoppable force! The enchantment is irresistible to all.

Obstacles and challenges will disintegrate as the Vortex begins to spin around you, aligning the planets, present reality, past, and future to fulfill your every wish.

Experience fast and effortless manifestation of your dreams.

★ Wealth - Experience a significant increase in financial abundance, attracting prosperity and opportunities for financial growth.

★ Respect - Command respect from others, be seen as a leader and valued individual in various aspects of life.

★ Attune Yours & Others' Mind, Actions, Decisions - Gain the ability to influence and guide both your own thoughts and actions, as well as those around you, leading to favorable outcomes and harmonious relationships.

★ Freedom - Break free from limitations and restrictions, allowing you to live life on your terms, unburdened by constraints.

★ New Love / Old Love Return - Attract new love into your life or rekindle the flame with a past love, experiencing profound connections and meaningful relationships.

★ New Job/Wage Raise/Promotion - Manifest new job opportunities, promotions, or wage raises, leading to career advancement and financial growth.

★ Increased Beauty & Sex Appeal - Experience a heightened sense of attractiveness, confidence, and charisma, drawing others to you.

★ Personal Power - Tap into your inner strength and confidence, enabling you to take charge of your life and achieve your goals.

★ Improve Weigth - Witness a positive transformation in your physical body, achieving your desired weight and improved overall well-being.

★ Monetary Gains - Attract unexpected financial gains and favorable circumstances that boost your financial stability.

★ Winning Streaks - Experience a series of successes and victories in various aspects of life, creating a positive momentum and a sense of accomplishment.

Discover the Power of Eliyahu Ben-Avraham - Limited Time Listing!

Welcome to a rare opportunity, available only to a chosen few. This exclusive offering made just for 6 peoples, will expire soon.

Eliyahu Ben-Avraham, a revered expert in Kabbalah. Descending from a lineage of direct Kabbalah schooling, he stands as the third generation to carry forward this wisdom. His teachings remain inspired by one of the most significant Kabbalists in history, Rabbi Isaac Luria, intertwining time-honored traditions with contemporary understanding.
An exclusive opportunity is beckoning. Seize this rare offer, under the guidance of Eliyahu Ben-Avraham, available for a limited period.

Are you prepared to delve into the magickal realm? For the dedicated few, magick is not just a belief, but a way of life. This extraordinary item is meticulously crafted for those serious about committing their lives to the magickal and Djinn realm.

With the Inner Vortex Activation performed by Eliyahu Ben-Avraham, you will not only be directly linked with the overwhelming power of the Vortex, but you will also gain the ability to solicit, direct, and redirect the planetary energies that are perceived in each season of the year, as well as other energies emanating from individuals, events, or pacts. You will have the power to transmute these energies, channeling them to act in your favor. The Inner Vortex will serve as your conduit to harness these diverse energies and utilize them to manifest your desires and goals. With this newfound mastery over the energetic forces around you, you will navigate through life with confidence and influence, making the most out of every opportunity that comes your way. The Inner Vortex Activation is a transformational journey that will unlock your true potential and enable you to create the life you've always dreamed of.

Prepare to command the immense power within you. You will possess the ability to alter your reality, captivating any target and making them succumb to your will. With no exceptions, this lifetime power will be yours to command.

Regardless of your previous exposure to magick or conjuring, your commitment to embracing the magickal world is all that matters. You will have the power to sculpt your life and influence those near or far. Total control over any situation will be within your reach, enabling you to achieve your heart's desires. This ultimate magickal blessing is for those who genuinely appreciate and believe in the metaphysical and magickal realm. It will transform lives, both yours and others', for eternity. You will instinctively know if this item is meant for you.

Please note that this magick is irreversible. Eliyahu Ben-Avraham will personally bind a Djinn to your aura, endowing you with powers beyond human reach. These powers will be yours forever, as you merge with the magickal world. The spirit will protect you for eternity. Understand that Eliyahu Ben-Avraham cannot choose the type of Djinn or the specific powers that will be bound to your aura. Only the Djinn can choose you. Rest assured, you will instantly know if this is meant for you. The Djinn is ready and eager to become one with you, bestowing the following powers upon you. Remember, the Djinn will always protect its master.

To proceed with this extraordinary service, we will require your full name, father's name, and your picture. These details are indispensable for such a significant undertaking.



NeuroSpell is the ultimate spell manifestation technique, combining the precision of science with the power and creativity of Kabbalist magic

Tested and proven 100% Effective NOW on Ebay and more than 15000 sales in others platforms.

Features and further details

You not only will you receive our powerful spell , but we're also including an audio track of your spell designed to bring your electromagnetic frequencies in alignment with the spell energy, allowing you to fully harness its power and achieve even greater and faster results.

  • Here's what you'll get:

? A powerful cast of your custom spell, done 1 time  with mix of mind influencing, Kabbalah Attunement,  and voodoo African magic


A track of your sepell to listen while you sleep  for 7 nights, which will describe your wishes and everything that has been and will be done. 2 hrs. This  will attune you to the energy of your spell, amplifying its potency and accelerating the results .

? A Manual containing instructions for its activation in PDF format

Check out my 5-star reviews!

Why do some normals spell simply fall flat?

The answer lies in the alignment of frequencies between spell and your being. Without you even realizing it, your own unique vibration may be rejecting the life force of the spell, preventing its desired effects from taking hold

Thats why neurospell reach best results, we record all of spell audios work wonders by harmonizing the spell's essence with the very core of your mind.

By listening to the audio while you sleep, you'll be able to entrain your brain waves to the same frequency as the spell, creating a powerful resonance that will amplify its effects. Each audio session also includes a background of low-frequency binaural beats ranging from 7.86 to 790 Hz. These frequencies are designed to create lasting changes in your life. You'll wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on the day with renewed energy and focus.

Our Neuro Spell combines the precision of science with the power and creativity of magic, allowing you to achieve incredible results that go beyond anything you ever imagined. 

Contact us

Please provide all names involved & your wishes.

I only make Pure, safe, and powerful Kabbalistic rituals. Not for under 18 or over 80. Results vary

Shipping FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE : Once the purchase is made, send the information through a message. The spell will be performed within the next 24 to 72 hours, and you will receive an audio with the recording in MP3 format, along with a manual containing instructions for its activation in PDF format (digital files)
Disclaimer The law requires that spells, and other items that fall into the realm of paranormal are to be sold for entertainment and amusement purposes.
You are buying the Document of Completion which will be sent to you via email. These readings are not intended to substitute advice or help from legal or medical professions. No legal or medical advice is given in my readings. You must be over the age of 18. I reserve the right to refuse or cancel a reading purchase if the reading request is outside of my ethical boundaries.