This service does require an alt account to store the save for dropping the modded gear to your main account. In order to use OP10 items, you must own the Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary DLC and the character will need to have OP level 10 unlocked.

I will transfer a modded item drop save to an alt account for you on Borderlands 2, allowing you to give yourself modded gear to use at any time. A second controller is required, as you will sign into the alt account the modded item save is on and drop yourself the gear then sign out so it does not save, allowing you to do this freely at any time. There are about 160 modded items total on the save, and are the most powerful items the game possible, gear having absurd stats that will make any enemy encounter an absolute breeze.

Unfortunately, the game's anti-cheat system also known as sanity check automatically deletes modded items after a savequit which means when every new session is created the items will need to be redropped. You will not be banned for having access to or using these items.

Everything will almost always be delivered within a few hours after ordering. The maximum time orders may take is just around half a day. Please send me your alt account profile login (email+password) so I am able to transfer the modded save to your Xbox profile.


Be sure to browse through my store for more Borderlands related items and services, even for other games and general services as well. Remember to check back often, as brand new listings are commonly added.

My 100% positive feedback shows the dedication I have to provide as much as I can for your Borderlands experience. You will receive the exact item/service as shown in a very short timeframe.