Bunchin  (Japanese Paper Weights)

Featuring Bronze Paper Weight with Noh Mask and Folding Fan Design, 
and  Iron Paper Weight Shaped like an Opened Book

Enhance your collection with this exquisite set of two Japanese cast iron paper weights! 

The first paper weight showcases a stunning bronze design, featuring a combination of a Noh mask and a folding fan, beautifully crafted to captivate the eye. 

The second paper weight is shaped like an opened book, adding a touch of elegance to any table setting or as a decorative object.

But what exactly is a "Noh mask"?
In Noh theater, performers utilize minimal props to convey various objects, such as cups, pouring sake, paper strips, swords, greetings, and even bows and arrows.
When it comes to sheathing a sword, an actual sword is used, but for a theatrical representation of a sword, a fan is employed.

These paper weights have a timeless appeal, boasting a touch of antiquity.
The Noh mask design features a revered "Omen" face, while the other showcases a "Kagura" mask, both representing traditional characters. 

They can be used as charming paper weights or as decorative pieces, serving as eye-catching additions to your table or desk.

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In excellent vintage condition. 
Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this delightful set of Japanese cast iron paper weights that can also serve as vaporizer weights, pen holders, or simply decorative objects.