Life Magazine Lot of 5 Full Month of March 1961 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

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Life Magazine March 3, 1961 Space Astronauts Glenn, Grissom, and Shepard

Pg… 24 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: The Chosen Three for the First Space Ride: New Astronaut Team, Varied Men with One Goal, Poise for a Violent Journey. By Loudon Wainwright. Photographed for LIFE by Ralph Morse
Pg… 34 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Congo Strongman with His Belgian Backers Showing: a Belgian–Led Army Props Up Katanga's Tshombe
Pg… 42 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: A Look at the World's Week
Pg… 47 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Jaunty Ride for Sir Winston: Churchill Returns to the Riviera for His Annual Winter Vacation
Pg… 50 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Very Tall De Gaulle: France's President Stretches 180 Feet High in a Paris Painting
Pg… 41 EDITORIALS: Making the Tax Mess Worse
Pg… 41 EDITORIALS: Automations and Mr. Dooley
Pg… 68 PICTORIAL ESSAYS: The Civil War: Part V of LIFE'S Series. Gaiety and Dread on the Home Front. War's Grim Backwash Hits Two Hostile Capitals. By Margaret Leech
Pg… 99 PICTORIAL ESSAYS: Homework: as Families Endure It, Educators Debate It. A Big St. Louis Family Goes Through Familiar Chores. Photographed for LIFE by Robert W. Kelley
Pg… 108 ARTICLE: The Machines are Taking Over: Computers Outdo Man at His Work Now?and Soon May Outthink Him. By Warren R. Young
Pg… 54 FASHION: The Paris Rage: Spring Styles from a Crazy Age?the 1920s?Come Back with a Nostalgic Movie. Photographed for LIFE by Mark Shaw
Pg… 59 TRAVEL: Big Ship's Glowing Debut: the Pacific's Biggest Passenger Ship, S.S. Oriana, Makes Her Maiden Voyage
Pg… 90 TELEVISION AND MOVIES: A Double Bill by Bergman: On Screen and on TV. Ingrid Plays a Middle–Aged Woman
Pg… 94 MUSIC: An Opera of Outer Space: Electronic Brain Named Mima Sings Heroine's Tragic Role in Swedish Work
Pg… 125 PARTY: A Baron Puts on Caribbean Carnival in New York
Pg… 12 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Speaking of Pictures: a Triple–Decker Bachelor's Paradise for Jerry Lewis
Pg… 18 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 128 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Miscellany: Little Baboon in the Afternoon

Life Magazine March 10, 1961 Maurice Chevalier and Bing Crosby

Pg… 18 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: Anguish of Men Without Work. Photographed for LIFE by Paul Schutzer
Pg… 26 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: A Look at the World's Week
Pg… 28 EDITORIAL: Let's Get Moving on Air Safety: Tighter Standards, Better Devices, Some New Basic Policies Will Do the Job
Pg… 60 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAYS: In Tiny Devices, a Revolution: Microelectronics Makes Equipment Smaller and Better. Photographed for LIFE by Fritz Goro
Pg… 82 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAYS: A Horsy Hideaway for the Kennedys
Pg… 90 ARTICLE: The U.S. and the U.N.: After Seven Years' Experience as America's Chief Delegate, the Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Tells How He Worked Behind the Scenes and What We Now Must Do. By Henry Cabot Lodge
Pg… 31 SPORTS: One K.O. Apiece, Now the Showdown. A Newly Confident Patterson and a Newly Serious Johansson Prepare for the Big Fight
Pg… 57 SPORTS: Young Blades with a Pro Look: Pee Wee Hockey Spreads Though the U.S.
Pg… 39 MODERN LIVNG: Gold and Gilded Furnishings Give a Warm and Elegant Glow to the Home
Pg… 40A ART: A Masterpiece of Fakery: Metropolitan Museum's Etruscan Treasures Turn Out to be Phonies
Pg… 45 LIFE'S GARDEN NEWS: Rhododendrons: New, More Beautiful Hybrids Flourish in Harsh Climates
Pg… 52 THEATER: Three–Woman Triumph Makes A Taste of Honey a Durable Broadway Success
Pg… 71 ANIMALS: Working Cow Pony in Stripes: a Tamed Zebra Names Ribbons Helps His Cowboy at His Job
Pg… 77 TELEVISION: Romp for Two Ageless Troubadours: Bing Crosby and Maurice Chevalier Combine Their Talents on Television
Pg… 103 PARTY: A Family's Happy Life in a House Fit to be Haunted: a Sergeant Settles Down in a 30–Room Castle in Tennessee
Pg… 10 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Speaking of Pictures: Jack Jumping, a Fast–Moving Sedentary Sport
Pg… 14 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 106 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Miscellany: Chaos at Crossroads, Ohio

Life Magazine March 17, 1961 Shelia Finn Irish in America

Pg… 34 THE WEEK’S EVENTS: Peace Corps Takes Fire in College. Bold New Plan Stirs Debate, Dedication and Doubt Pg… 42 THE WEEK’S EVENTS: A Look at the World’s Week Pg… 44 THE WEEK’S EVENTS: Holy Lock’s Unholy Row: Pacifists Don’t Like U.S. Base but Scots Do Pg… 49 THE WEEK’S EVENTS: Where Did They Get Cash to Live It Up? From an American Thriller, a Blueprint for French Kidnapping and a Detective Story Solution Pg… 46 EDITORIALS: School Aid and Religion Pg… 46 EDITORIALS: Two Heroes of Reason Pg… 82 PICTORIAL ESSAYS: The Civil War. Part VI of LIFE’S Series. “The Great Single Event of Our History” Lives on in Pain and Pageant?and Unity. Including an Article by Robert Penn Warren Pg… 113 PICTORIAL ESSAYS: First of Two Instalments on the Irish in America: How an Articulate, Good–Looking People have Gained Acceptance in the U.S. Including an Article on the Triumph of Pride and Spirit by Joe McCarthy Pg… 55 ARTICLE: The President’s Voracious Reading Habits: He Eats Up News, Books, at 1,200 Words a Minute. By Hugh Sidey Pg… 65 MOVIES: Cinderella of the South Seas: in Mutiny on the Bounty a Beautiful New Star from Tahiti Pg… 73 MEDICINE: Stand–In for Man Under Dangerous Rays: Irradiated Dummies Help Researchers Improve Cancer Theory Pg… 103 ANIMALS: London Debut for Polar Bear Twins Pg… 107 ENTERTAINMENT: The Comic Triumphs of Bob Hope and Lucille Ball Pg… 135 SPORTS: Honorable Visiting Team: Japanese Baseball Team Works Out with the Dodgers Pg… 141 SOCIOLOGY: Warm Memories of Hull–House: Chicago Landmark Founded by Jane Addams Faces a Move Pg… 149 ART: The First Family’s Art Adviser: William Walton Pg… 153 PARTY: Ernie Ford Goes Back to Tennessee Pg… 24 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Speaking of Pictures: Old Scene Alive Today Pg… 26 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Letters to the Editors Pg… 156 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Miscellany: Nuts to Modern Education (6–year–old Joseph Ennis with a squirrel on his shoulder. Joseph is a student at Adrian, Michigan Madison Elementary School)

Life Magazine March 24, 1961 Jack Paar vs. Ed Sullivan

Pg… 14 THE WEEK’S EVENTS: Bravery Defeats a Killer: Four Tough Men Climb the Icy “Ogre” in Switzerland Pg… 20 THE WEEK’S EVENTS: Sportswriters Called Floyd–Ingo Dull but Pictures Reveal Fight as a Historic Thriller Pg… 28 THE WEEK’S EVENTS: A Look at the World’s Week Pg… 33 THE WEEK’S EVENTS: Now the Other Fight: Ed Sullivan vs. Jack Paar Pg… 30 EDITORIALS: “El Plan Kennedy” Pg… 30 EDITORIALS: Do–It–Yourself Farm Kit Pg… 45 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAYS: Odd Scenes for a Queen: Animal Kingdom Acts Up for Elizabeth During Her Asian Tour. Photographed for LIFE by Hank Walker. Tiger Hunt and Ring Around a Rhino. By Ruth Lynam Pg… 62 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAYS: A Heritage in Need of Help: New Nile Dam will Immerse Fabled Monuments. Photographed for LIFE by James Burke. The Storied World of Ramses. By Alexander Eliot Pg… 88 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAYS: Irish in America: Part II. Plenty to Celebrate: Irish Find Success in U.S. Photographed for LIFE by Robert W. Kelley Pg… 41 ENTERTAINMENT: Japan’s Razzmatazz Singer: Izumi Yukimura has a Lively American Repertoire Pg… 59 DANCE: Eleanor Powell Comes Back Dancing After 14 Years’ Retirement Pg… 85 RELIGION: Popes’ Old Hat Reappears as John XXIII Wars Crimson Velvet Camauro Pg… 99 FASHION: Sensible Shoes Step Out in Style: Lower Heels and Rounded Toes Challenge Spikes and Points Pg… 105 ART: Old Master’s Young Missus: at 79 Picasso Marries His 35–Year–Old Model Pg… 10 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Letters to the Editors Pg… 108 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Miscellany: Yikes! Who Let the Cat In?

Life Magazine March 31, 1961 Golden Cherub in German Church

Pg… 18 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: "Laos is Far Away but the World is Small": President Kennedy Takes Decisive Steps in Support of Freedom for All of Us
Pg… 28 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: A Look at the World's Week
Pg… 89 THE WEEK'S EVENTS: In Texas, 71 Would–Be Heirs Fight It Out for Lyndon Johnson's Senate Vacancy
Pg… 30 EDITORIAL: The Spirit is at Work
Pg… 48 PHOTOGRAPHIC ESSAY: Life's Easter Present is a Joyful Rococo Church in Germany. Photographed by Dmitri Kessel
Pg… 74 ARTICLE: All About Insurance: It Protects but the Problem is How to Afford It. By Ernest Havemann
Pg… 35 ANIMALS: Tiger, Tiger Soaking Wet: a Family Shares Pool and Trailer with Bengals
Pg… 41 MOVIES: Hand in Hand is an Appealing Story of Brotherhood
Pg… 44 FASHION: One Designer's Omnibus Output: John Weitz Busily Turns Out a Variety of Styles, Especially the Practical
Pg… 66 YOUTH: C.Y.O. Schoolgirl Cheerleaders Produce Complicated Yells and Convolutions in a Contest
Pg… 87 ARCHAEOLOGY: A Unique Sumerian Statue, Unearthed Near the Euphrates, Depicts a Prayer for Love in 2500 B.C.
Pg… 14 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Speaking of Pictures: the Official Color Photograph of the President of the United States
Pg… 17 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Letters to the Editors
Pg… 92 OTHER DEPARTMENTS: Miscellany: Dig Those Campaign Kitticats