Life Magazine Lot of 4 Full Month of March 1965 5, 12, 19, 26

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Life Magazine March 5, 1965 Death of Malcolm X

Pg… 4 Editorials: Matching Growth with Beauty
Pg… 4 Editorials: A Judge but Not a Lawmaker
Pg… 8 LIFE Reviews
Pg… 23 Letters to the Editors
Pg… 25 The View from Here: The Instant Ambassador. By Loudon Wainwright
Pg… 26 The Violent End of Malcolm X: Gunmen Execute the Negro Extremist as He Prepares to Address a New York Rally. His Followers Hold the Black Muslims to Blame?and Launch a Campaign of Retaliation
Pg… 32 Pacem in Terris: Statesmen, Theologians, Scholars from All Over the World Gather to Act on Pope John's Encyclical on Peace on Earth. By John K. Jessup
Pg… 36B Washington Report
Pg… 41 Strange Case of a Man with Two Wives: The "Dead" Larry Bader of Akron Turns Up Very Much Alive?in Another City and With Another Wife
Pg… 47 Calder the Mobile Maker: The Artist Delights Everybody
Pg… 54 Paris Fashion in Color: A Young Actress Tries Them All On and Molyneux Makes a Sentimental Comeback
Pg… 73 Otto Preminger's Navy: The Movie Director Constructs a Million Miniature Flotilla for a Lilliputian Reenactment of the Battle of Leyte Gulf
Pg… 77 She Puts Oomph in the Opera: Impresario Sarah Caldwell is Boston's Prima Dynamo. By Dora Jane Hamblin
Pg… 87 Cristina Becomes Mrs. Henry Ford
Pg… 92B Drug Addicts, Part 2: 'I Told Them Not to Go Home': Biggest and Best Addict Hospital Faces and Fights a Frustrating Battle. Realities We Must Face?But Won't. By James Mills. Photographed by Bill Eppridge
Pg… 120 Cozumel?Isle for the Idle: There are Pleasant Things to Do at This Mexican Resort But Nobody has to Do Them. A Scary Climb and a Shish Kebab from the Sea. By Mary Leatherbee
Pg… 128 Miscellany: Pussycat Pasta

Life Magazine March 12, 1965 Julie Andrews Sound of Music

Pg… 4 Editorials: Shape of a Vietnam Policy
Pg… 4 Editorials: Hope for a New Type of Immigrant
Pg… 10 LIFE Reviews: Book: Voices of a Summer Day by Irwin Shaw, Reviewed by Frank Kappler
Pg… 10 LIFE Reviews: Dog Show: the 89th Westminster Kennel Club Show, Reviewed by Tom Fiaherty
Pg… 10 LIFE Reviews: Movie: A Boy Ten Feet Tall, Reviewed by Richard Schickel
Pg… 23 Letters to the Editors
Pg… 25 The Feminine Eye: Adventures of a Peeping Mom, by Shana Alexander
Pg… 26 Haunting Search for a Brother: A Stubborn American Undergoes Peril in Vietnam to Find a Missing Pilot. By Don Moser
Pg… 36 Big Row Over Dawn Fraser: As an Aftermath of Her Uproarious Conduct at the Tokyo Olympics, Australia's Champion Swimmer Gets Banned from Competition for 10 Years
Pg… 36B Items in the News
Pg… 39 Sequel to On–Camera Bank Robbery: The Culprit Sees His Pictures in LIFE and Surrenders to the FBI
Pg… 40 Washington Report
Pg… 42 Aspen's Awful Surfer Problem: Vagabons from the Beaches Congregate at a Famed Ski Resort. By Robert Bradford
Pg… 52 A Joyous Julie Andrews: She Scores a Hit in the Movie Version of The Sound of Music
Pg… 70 New Protocol Chief?and His Wife: Lloyd and Ann Hand Bring Youth and Texas Charm to an Exacting Whit–Tie Job
Pg… 76 So Who Is This Bobby Vinton?: He's at the Top of the Charts and His Records Sell Like There's No Tomorrow. By Alan Levy
Pg… 92 Ideas in Houses?Part 3: Patio Life Behind Walls: Airy Compartments Channel Traffic of a Big New Orleans Family
Pg… 100 Miscellany: Oops, Your Highness

Life Magazine March 19, 1965 Selma Alabama Civil Rights March

Pg… 4 Editorials: Nine Jobs in Your Future
Pg… 4 Editorials: The Childishness of Embassy Riots
Pg… 12 LIFE Reviews
Pg… 25 Letters to the Editors
Pg… 28 The View from Here: The Wall and the Pope. By Loudon Wainwright
Pg… 30 Selma Starts the Savage Season: Alabama Troopers Break Up a Civil Rights March with Clubs and Tear Gas, and Anger Rises Across the U.S.
Pg… 38 U.S. Embassies Under Siege: An Epidemic of Mob Assaults Upon Diplomatic Outposts?and Diplomacy Takes a Hazardous New Turn
Pg… 43 Cal's Kerr Calls It Quits: The University President Serves Notice He Will Resign as the Freedom–on–the–Campus Controversy Continues in California
Pg… 44 Marines Land in South Vietnam: Pretty, Sloe–Eyed Girls Welcome Them as They Take Up Security and Defense Duty
Pg… 46 Washington Report
Pg… 51 Shock Therapy for Delinquents: Colorado Gives Young Hoodlums a Tour of a Prison Death Row
Pg… 57 Danny Kaye's 4–Year–Old Foil: Television and Audience Raves Give a Big Push to a Little Charmer Named Victoria
Pg… 64 Travel: Southern Morocco: The Magical City of Marrakech and the Exotic Lands Around It. Photographed by Loomis Dean. The Road to Goulimine. By Mary Leatherbee
Pg… 79 Novelist Morris West Faces East: The Famous Catholic Author Writes a Novel About Buddhists in South Vietnam
Pg… 86A Eagle on the Loose in London: A Fugitive from a Zoo Terrorizes Dogs and Ducks
Pg… 92 The Actor Who Portrays Christ: Sweden's Max von Sydow Makes His U.S. Debut in The Greatest Story Ever Told
Pg… 98 Peace Corps' Re–Entry Crisis: Volunteers Who Return from Overseas Suffer Reverse Homesickness. By Richard B. Stolley
Pg… 113 House for Ailing Hands: Unique Medical Center Teaches Faulty Fingers to Work
Pg… 116 'Underground' Clothes: Bizarre Styles to Match Avant–Garde Movies
Pg… 124 Miscellany: Aw C'mon Horse, Whoa

Life Magazine March 26, 1965 Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Selma Alabama

Pg… 4 Editorial: Year of the Vote: The How and Whither
Pg… 12 LIFE Reviews: Book: Wild Heritage by Sally Carrighar, Reviewed by Franklin Russell
Pg… 12 LIFE Reviews: Movie: The Diary of a Chambermaid, with Jeanne Moreau, Reviewed by Richard Oulahan
Pg… 12 LIFE Reviews: TV: Golf on Television, Reviewed by John R. McDermott
Pg… 25 Letters to the Editors
Pg… 28 The Feminine Eye: Three Strangers in Selma, by Shana Alexander
Pg… 30 The Nation Joins the Negro's March: The People and the President React in Strength to Oppression in Alabama. The Pressures Inside the White House. By Richard B. Stolley
Pg… 38 Items in the News
Pg… 38B Last of Farouk's 1,000 and One Nights
Pg… 41 The Queen Meets Windsor's Duchess
Pg… 42 Washington Report
Pg… 47 Author Shakes Up a City: "Volunteer" Jan de Hartog Turns Hospital Reformer. By Bruce Paisner
Pg… 53 The Fabulous Hermitage Part 1: First of a Three–Part Series on the Treasures of Russia's Great Art Museum in Leningrad
Pg… 75 Gene Mauch of the Calamity Phillies
Pg… 78B Assemblage of Movie Stunt Men: They Risk Their Necks on Cue for Cash. Nobody Loves a Smart Horse. By David Zeitlin
Pg… 88 Grand Old King of the Senate: Everett McKinley Dirksen, the G.O.P.'s Political Chameleon, has Become a Stalwart Statesman. By Paul O'Neil
Pg… 107 Show a Shapely Shoulder: An Age–Old Fashion Makes Still Another Comeback
Pg… 110 Great Dinners Part 15: Stuffed Ham: A Mixture of Wine and P?t? Gives New Zip to a Party Standby. Photograph by John Dominis
Pg… 116 Miscellany: Bird–Brained Bravado