This is a leather embossed stainless steel case with two hinged openings, quite elaborate. It appears to be for dispensing cigarettes, however it is too short for modern cigarettes. There is a hole and sliding access to get just one cigarette. A single piece of brown leather wraps around the case, embossed with an Indian Chief, might be a product from Chief O or other cigar company. Unknown. The image from Cigar O. Is included for comparison. The style of Indian Chief is similar to Sitting Bill or his son. The leather is warn, weathered looking, as shown. 

The length of the cigarettes in this case is about 50 mm (5 cm), whereas standard cigarettes since the American Tobacco Company standardized mass production in the 1890's were 70 mm, which either predates this item to 1890 or left the proud owner having to clip off 20 mm for each cigarette. There are also small cigars, cigarillos, which have the correct 7 mm diameter for this case, but they are longer than 50 mm (5 cm) as well. Anyone with additional info please contact me.