ANTIQUE 1914 Mr Knight and three daughters in a FARM England Real Photo POSTCARD (RPPC)

Measurements: approx. 5 1/2 inches x 3 1/2 inches
Maker: N/A
Paper: Original RPPC
Text: N/A
Additional Notes: Pencilled handwriting at the back reads "Mr Knight and three daughters where Annie Newell used to work, 1914".
Sale Notes: Only the original RPPC is for sale. The enhanced and colourised images are for your appreciation only. 

This evocative snapshot from 1914 paints a vivid picture of rural England during the early 20th century. The image showcases Mr. Knight, a presumably proud and hardworking man, surrounded by his three daughters. With the blossoming tree acting as a background, the composition highlights the familial bond and their strong connection to the land.

The backdrop provides a hint of their rural life. The tree, heavy with fruits or blossoms, symbolises the fruitfulness of the land, while the meticulously maintained garden indicates diligence and care. Mr. Knight's attire, including his smart suit and hat, implies a sense of pride, despite the dirt of the farm. He stands tall, touching the tree, possibly a nod to his own rootedness to the land he tends to.

The three daughters, two standing close with an undeniable sisterly bond and one slightly separated, might imply their individual roles or perhaps their own relationships within the family. Their long dresses, while fashionable for the time, also convey the modesty and simplicity of rural life. Their youthful visages and serious expressions reflect a sense of responsibility, perhaps shouldering some of the farm work or household chores.

The intriguing note at the back of the postcard adds a layer of depth to this historical treasure. It seems Annie Newell, who might be connected to the previously shared photograph from 3 Latimer Road, W11, once worked here. Was she a part of the household, a close family friend, or perhaps an employee at the farm? The connection between these two photographs suggests tales of lives intertwined, personal histories overlapping, and a shared moment in time.

The decision to keep only the original photograph for sale ensures the preservation of its authenticity, even though the enhanced versions offer a fresh perspective. Collectors would treasure such an item, not just for its aesthetic value but also for the stories it hints at, the lives it has touched, and the time it has traversed.