Welcome to The Amputee Blacksmith's Treasure Trove!!!


Listen up Land-Lovers! All me treasures R' Melted and Smelted, Hand Poured - Sanded & Polished by yours truly! It's a wild process going from trash to treasure! All of my works are made locally in the USA! 

A Portion Proceeds go towards my favorite amputee charity: THE LOST LIMBS FOUNDATION as i too am an amputee and have a soft spot for children with disabilities.

This is a special bar! This is a collection made by my boy. We left all the imperfections on this bar and polished the bar with all the nooks and crannies! I let him decide how he wanted to pour it. You can see the tapper in the pour as he didn't level the pouring surface! A lesson learned in time! This bar waken from flat pure copper stock.

I have been dealing with some amputation issues so for the last 2 years i have been sidelined. Now that i am back i am bringing you some projects that me and my boy did together! These are special and part of the proceeds will go to help a children's charity! Thanks for your support!

Today's Treasure: XL Hand Poured Collectable Copper Ingot/Bar 

Weight: 7.07 Lbs / 3196 grams

Metal Composition: .999 Pure Fine Copper 

Style: Large Rectangular Bar: Measures 6 1/8" Long x 3" Wide x 1 1/4" Tall

Shipped Lightning Fast From a Trusted eBay Seller!

Many many hours was spent breaking down copper stock to ready this massive ingot project. After the copper was loaded into the forge it was melted at optimal pouring temperature to form this large brick. I used a wire brush, wire wheel, 60, 220 1000, 2000, 5000, 7000, and finally 10,000 grit to form a high shine with a mirror finish to boot. Stamped with "The Amputee Blacksmith" much pride and hard work went into this project. I hope you enjoy.

Shipped Lightning Fast From a Trusted eBay Seller!

"I was born with a medical anomaly, a leg ridden with tumors that brought pain sharp as lighting throughout my body. 20 plus years of suffering from pain radiation therapy and multiple surgeries and experimental procedures,  I continued to baffle the medical world. After a life of living with crippling pain I made the tough and desperate decision to amputate my leg and knee in effort to stop the nerve pain and atrophy as well as spreading of the tumors. Years after the surgery, I refused to fall down. I donned my prosthetic leg with a mission to become a new man. I began a blacksmiths journey and gave my life to molten metal and flames!"

Thanks to everyone who has supported my blacksmiths journey! I appreciate you. Giving back is part of my mission as I was granted a second chance at life. Special thanks to the surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic who had the courage to take on my medical anomaly when no one else would! Check out my other ingots for sale! We spend lots of time working molten metal to help others and replenish never ending need for replacement equipment and propane. Thank you so much for your support and for supporting the Lost Limbs Foundation! We thank you!

 - Jon The Amputee Blacksmith