Size - 7.6 x 0.1 x 7.6 Centimeters

Weight - 50 g

Metal – Asthadhathu Copper finish

The Shiv Yantra is a sacred geometric diagram associated with Lord Shiva, a principal deity in Hinduism. Lord Shiva is revered as the supreme god, representing destruction, transformation, and the ultimate reality. The Shiv Yantra is believed to embody the cosmic energy of Shiva and can be a focal point for meditation and worship. Here's a guide on the importance and method of praying to the Shiv Yantra:


Connection with Lord Shiva: The Shiv Yantra serves as a powerful symbol to establish a spiritual connection with Lord Shiva. Devotees believe that worshiping this yantra can help align their energies with the divine consciousness of Shiva.

Transformation and Liberation: Lord Shiva is often associated with the transformative aspect of the divine, representing the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction. The Shiv Yantra is revered for its potential to aid in personal transformation and spiritual liberation.

Destroyer of Negativity: Shiva, as the destroyer, is believed to annihilate negative forces and purify the soul. Worshipping the Shiv Yantra is thought to bring about the removal of obstacles and negativity from one's life.

Meditative Focus: The geometric patterns of the Shiv Yantra can serve as a focal point for meditation, helping practitioners attain a deep state of concentration and connection with the divine.

Protection: Devotees believe that the Shiv Yantra can act as a protective shield, guarding against spiritual and physical harm. It is thought to create a sacred space filled with positive vibrations.

Method of Praying:


Begin by purifying yourself through a shower or bath. This is a common practice before engaging in any form of worship.

Choose an Auspicious Time:

While prayers can be offered at any time, some people prefer auspicious occasions, festivals, or specific planetary hours for enhanced spiritual energy.

Altar Setup:

Place the Shiv Yantra on a clean and sacred altar.

Light incense and a lamp or candle to create a sacred atmosphere.

Offer water, milk, and other traditional offerings as a sign of devotion.

Recite Mantras:

Chant Lord Shiva's mantras, such as the "Om Namah Shivaya" mantra, or specific mantras associated with the Shiv Yantra.


Focus your mind on the Shiv Yantra. Visualize the divine energy of Lord Shiva emanating from the yantra and enveloping your being.


Offer bilva leaves, flowers, and other items that are sacred to Lord Shiva.

Prayers and Intentions:

Express your devotion and prayers to Lord Shiva. Seek blessings for spiritual growth, protection, and the removal of obstacles.

Regular Worship:

Consistency is key. Regularly repeat the process, preferably daily, to strengthen the connection with the Shiv Yantra's energies.


Conclude the ritual by expressing gratitude. Some also conclude with an aarti (a ritual of waving light) and distributing prasad (consecrated offerings).

Remember that the sincerity and devotion with which you approach the worship are crucial. Seek guidance from knowledgeable sources or spiritual guides for a more personalized approach to worshiping the Shiv Yantra.