One of a kind postcard.  Last scan is darkened for better clarity (meaning first photo is what it looks like with eye is light...maybe faded). Not sure the text referencing this as a $150 Carriage...although in 1907 Cuba that was likely a lot of money.

Used postcard posted in May 1907.  Photo on postcard is from my grandfather's new(er) Kodak camera (referenced in a March postcard).  Not overly common for personal early 20th Century photos to be converted to postcards.

My grandfather was living in Cuba 1906-1907 when he  mailed to his future wife in Knoxville, TN.    

Has been in postcard album for past 110 years.  Worn with expected age discoloration...mild soiling.

Held in album by slits in pages which produced mild darker discoloration in corners where held in album.  Slight embossing in same area due to weight of album held largely unopened for over 100 years.