LATE 1950 PAINTING of Oberammergau- Home of the Passion Play

Here is a charming painting of Oberammergau, as painted in the late 1950s.

Like many other American Military men and their family,  they were stationed to Oberammergau where there was activity related to NATO


My family lived in the heart of Oberammergau in the 1950s and 1960’s.  It was a quick walk to the famous open air Theatre where the famous once in ten years Passion Play is presented.

Here is a painting done by a local artist that shows the charm of the village, the towering Matterhorn shaped mountain called the Kofel, and the near by Theater.

Many people, not only Americans, but people from around the world come to the Passion Play when ten years have come again for the next Play.


To be real, the houses, charming buildings and stores, restaurants,etc of Oberammergau in the 1950s and 60’s were larger than the Painting depicts.

 However, the painting does give a sense of the look of the town, the mountings and the Theatre.

For anyone who has be there, you will feel the picture does

present the look of this magic Germany town in Bavaria, and if you have seen the play, it is a wonderful remember.          


The painting is not by a Rembrandt, but it is a charming painting that means a lot to those who know the place and love the portrait made by the painter.

Including the frame, the side is 15.5 inches wide and 13 inches tall.