Escaping Society Caterpillar Club Signed  18 Members Battle of Britain, Dambuster

8 May 85 BFPS 1945 40th Anniv of VE Day. Caterpillar Club Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Formation of the RAF  Escaping Society.Cover flown in Hercules

Personally Signed by5 RAF Falcons Display Team &  18 Caterpillar Club Members a Cross section Range from one of the earliest member’s, a per – war jumper, through the Battle of Britain, Dam buster pilot,  and Bomber Battle of Germany to a post – War member , the only one on this list who used an ejector seat first.

Dambuster  A F ( Tony ) Burcher DFM Rear Gunner M for Mother Mohne Dam 16th May 1943.( Dambuster Raid )  Hit by Falk while approaching the target before being crippled by the blast from its own weapon which overshoot and exploded beyond the parapet  Crashed Hopgood, Brennan,Earnshaw Minchin Gregory all killed in the Crush only J W Fraser & A F Burcher  Survived  the crash.  Whilst Bailing out burcher was stuck across the back by the tail. His parachute carried him to earth but a broken back prevented him from  moving. He lay there for 3 days until  some Hitler Youth found him. They tied a rope around his feet and dragged him to the nearest Gestapo Station  who believing he was going to die gave him over to the care of a man they believed was a local vet. This man was prior to the war a back surgeon who had lied to the authorities so as to not have to do War work.  Prisoner of war sent to Stalag Luft III sagan where he found an old polish friend from the RAF. The two took part  in three famous tunnel escapes Captured by the Germans them realizing who they were they were to be executed as per Hitler's orders the next day. That night the lines ahifted and in the morning the Russians were in charge of the Prison. For reasons unknown the Russians decided they should hang on to these two and so they were sent into internment in Russia. Burcher wasn't repatriated until 1947.

WO John Bettany CGM Bales out Lancaster

AVM H A C Bird Wilson Pilot Battle of Britain,

Air Marshal Sir Harry Burton, Pilots Wellington shot down over Germany baled out and escaped back to Great  Britain 1st airman to return.

Gp Capt John Cunningham Most Successful night fighter Pilot,

 Air Commodore Alan C Deere, Battle of Britain Pilot  baled out many times and wrote a book called nine Lives.

Sqn Ldr Robert F T Doe Battle of Britian Pilot Baled out  aircraft on Fire,one of   Mcindoe’s ‘’Guinea Pig’’

Gp Capt D E Gillam  Battle of Britain Pilot Baled out

Gp Capt Tom P Gleave Battle of Britain Pilot Baled Out  on fire became one of Mcindoe’s chief ‘’Guinea Pigs.

W/O Norman  C Jackson VC ( Victoria Cross Holder ) climed on the wing of his Lancaster to put out the fire in one of the engines, He did this but the aircraft was shot down by a night fighter and he was blown off the wing. His parachute saved his life.

Air Chief Marshal Sir Wallace ( Digger) Kyle, An Australian is the most senior member of those who have signed these covers. He had to bale out of a Bulldog in the mid – thirties.

Sqn Ldr James H (Ginger) Lacey  fought in the Battle of France and was top scoring British Pilot in the Battle of Britain. He used his parachute on at least 6 occasions.

Gp Capt  W S O  Randle  served with Bomber Command throughout the war. He was shot down over Belgium, made his way through France across the Pyrenees into Spain and reached Gibraltar. Served happily in the Royal Air Force until 1972.

Flt Lt William Reid VC  won his Victoria Cross with 61 Sqn later joined 617 Sqn. When on an operation over Germany his Lancaster was hit by a bomb from a highter flying Aircraft in the Bomber Stream. He baled out with some members of his crew and finished up as a POW in Stalag Luft 111.

Air Chief Marshal Sir F Rosier Pilot fought in both the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain. It was in this period that he had to use his parachute.

Air Vice Marshal Sir Colin Scragg . Pre War airman served with Bomber Command until 1944 when with 166 Sqn he was on a mission over Germany and had to bale out. He finished in Stalag Luft 111.

Wg Cdr Robert (Bob ) Stanford – Tuck. Battle  of Britain Pilot  and was one of the top scorces. Had to bale out  of his Spitfire in a sweep over France much later on in the War. POW Stalag Luft 111.

Marshal of the RAF Sir Keith Williamson. Only member to bale out Post- War . He baled out having used his ejector seat first from a Hunter. Full Details enclosed.  Certified Copy no 11 of 12 Covers Signed   

       The Cover   is  in Very Good Condition

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