Ceylon Whole Cloves 100% Organic Sun Dried Herb Pure Natural High Quality Spice


Cloves are rich in various nutrition like fibers, vitamins, and minerals. Cloves are rich in manganese which are essential in maintaining the health of the brain and the bones. So the consumption of cloves helps in maintaining bone and brain health.

Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants are very helpful in daily life to prevent the accumulation of free radicals. Free radicals can develop oxidative stress within the body. So this oxidative stress can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases. Therefore antioxidants help remove the free radicals.

Contain antibacterial effects

Cloves can suppress the growth of bacterial colonies. According to the laboratory studies, the scientists found cloves can kill common bacteria like e coli. Therefore the antibacterial properties of the cloves are used to maintain oral health. There are well-known mouth wash and toothpaste products manufactured using cloves, and they desire to have antibacterial effects on the oral cavity.

Improve liver health

Oxidative stress within the liver may damage the liver by altering liver functions. So the liver functions can be maintained intact with the use of cloves. Cloves help prevent fatty liver and cirrhosis. Therefore it is clear that the liver can be protected with the frequent consumption of cloves.

Regulation of blood sugar

Cloves can improve glucose uptake from the blood vessels to the cells. Therefore consuming cloves may help in regulating blood sugar fluctuations. Other than that, the ingredients within cloves may help improve insulin secretion. Adequate insulin secretion may also enhance the regulation of blood glucose levels.

Improve bone health

Poor bone mineralization and reduced density is the main reason behind pathological fractures associated with osteoporosis. Specific ingredients within the cloves may help in preserving bone density. Manganese is an essential mineral that helps in maintaining bone health. As cloves are rich in manganese, they help maintain proper bone density

Heal gastric ulcers

Gastric ulcers are the erosions found within the stomach lining. Specific ingredients within cloves may help in healing such ulcers. Cloves can improve the formation of the gastric mucus layer. The erosion of the mucosal lining is the primary reason for the construction of gastric ulcers.