A four channel DSM2 receiver with micro Molex picoblade 1.25mm servo connectors.

A version of the CM421 with micro molex picoblade 1.25mm pitch connectors which fit the BM5320 and BM5330 servos that I also sell. Be aware that I also sell the BM5320S and BM5330S servos which have incompatible 1.00mm pitch connectors.



Binding Procedures

  1. Set transmitter to transmit in DSM2 protocol.

  2. Separate transmitter from receiver by a few feet.

  3. Install a bind plug on the receiver.

  4. Hold down bind-button and then connect power to the receiver. Receiver LED should quickly flash orange. Release bind-button.

  5. Initiate binding from the transmitter.

  6. Receiver LED will change from flashing quickly, to a slower flash, and will illuminate solid a few seconds later once it binds. 

  7. Remove the binding plug after the bind is completed.

  8. Restart the receiver by removing power and adding it back. Receiver LED should illuminate continuously. All channels should function properly now.