House of Constantine: 10 Roman Bronze Coins Deluxe Box w COA

Constantine the Great, recognized as the inaugural Christian Emperor of Rome and the visionary behind the Byzantine Empire and Constantinople, stands as one of the most influential Roman leaders in the Common Era. During a pivotal battle in 312, Constantine witnessed a celestial sign—a blazing cross in the noonday sky. Interpreting it as a divine directive, he embarked on a sacred mission to secure control of the entire Roman Empire and declare Christianity as the state religion. Guided by this divine inspiration, Constantine triumphed over the Franks, Visigoths, and Sarmatians, expanding imperial boundaries significantly.

Among his achievements, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, legalizing Christianity, collaborated with Pope Sylvester I to establish the Papacy in Rome, and commissioned the construction of noteworthy structures such as Old St. Peter’s Basilica, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Arch of Constantine.

Ascending the throne amid political and economic turmoil following his father's, Constantius I Chlorus, demise, Constantine played a pivotal role in quelling chaos. He defeated his rival Licinius I and his son Licinius II, consolidating power and restoring order. His three sons—Constantine II, Constans I, and Constantius II—successively ascended the throne, founding the influential Constantine Dynasty, rivaling the significance of the days of Caesar Augustus. Notable figures within the dynasty, including Crispus and Constantine Gallus, minted coins bearing their portraits. Julian II marked the conclusion of the House of Constantine.

The coin collection comprises specimens spanning key figures and periods:

  1. 1. Constantius I Chlorus, 305-306
  2. 2. Constantine the Great, 306-337
  3. 3. Licinius I, 308-324
  4. 4. Licinius II, 317-324
  5. 5. Crispus, 317-326
  6. 6. Constantine II, 337-340
  7. 7. Constans, 337-350
  8. 8. Constantius II, 337-361
  9. 9. Constantius Gallus, 351-354
  10. 10. Julian II, 360-363

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