Buseyisms:Gary Busey's Basic Instructions before leaving earth 1st Ed HC

Yes, modern existence is a vortex of talking heads and ad blitzes, but Gary Busey wants you to remember what "FREEDOM" really stands for: "Facing Real Exciting Energy Developing Out of Miracles."

Gary Busey is excited about his new book, Buseyisms: Gary Busey's Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, available now.

"It talks about everything I've been through: the music, the ODs, the movies, everything," he told TMZ Wednesday. "It starts with when I was born in Goose Creek, Texas, in 1944 at 11:50 a.m. to right now, and I'm 74. I'm going strong."

Though he is 74, he has a theory that makes him 11 years old "in truth," he explained. "Seven plus four equals 11."

If you'd like that codified in a motivational self-help book (and of course you do), guru Busey already sensed your need—you can purchase Buseyisms: Gary Busey's Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. In September, the notoriously eccentric actor published a memoir featuring his collection of personal acronyms, which has long confused and overjoyed the internet since the early 2000s.

Within the book, Busey waxes lyrical about his life and violates the integrity of acronyms in various ways. He muses: "I take the letters that spell a word to create a definition for the word in the truth of its deeper, dimensional meaning. I weave in my personal anecdotes along with my musings on how I live life successfully according to my experiences." He warns, "I may turn concepts you usually believe in upside down with my bizarre stories, but that comes with the dinner. These are my life lessons, my B.I.B.L.E.—Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth."