12kg Organic Buckwheat Hulls for Cushion & Pillow Filling Direct from Farmers



 These Buckwheat Hulls are not treated with herbicides, pesticides or fungicides either when growing, harvesting or storage.

Buckwheat Hulls for used as a filling in many things like meditation cushions, pillows, cushions, bean bags, meditation beds, Buckwheat toppers, soft toys, draft excluders and the list goes on.

Buckwheat Hull Facts

In the UK buckwheat pillows are sold by their size and then the weight of buckwheat hulls in them, but the odd thing with buckwheat is that the cleaner and higher grade it is the more volume you get to a kilo of hulls and the lighter the pillows and cushions are. So the cleaner the hulls the lighter the pillow your filling will weigh. If you look at the hulls in the picture on the left you will see they look like a cupped hand. The reason for this is that a buckwheat seed has 3 sides to it. When we remove the groat from inside the whole buckwheat seed. We have to pop of one of the three sides between a set of rollers. Once that side is removed it is called a platelet. We then shake the groat from the hull and separate the hulls and groats using air. The groats then go on to be ground in to flour. We are now left with the buckwheat hulls of which  1/3 by weight are  platelets. These platelets get in the now empty hull cups and in the gaps between the hulls. They make the hulls feel heavy without giving any extra volume to the hulls. So we put the hulls over 3 sets of screens to remove the platelets and any broken groats. The hulls also pass over 2 sets air filters that remove any dust and flour particles from the sample. After this the hulls become much more bulky and will now let air flow through them and they are easier to move around to fit the contours of the body. 
Having air flow through your cushions and pillows is good because you get two things from it. The first is air stops your head from getting to warm in summer. Or if your sitting or resting for any length of time on a cushion having air flow through the cushion can help stop what is best called clamminess. Here's how, Your body is warm the air around and under your body is warmed up. Warm air rises and because there is gaps for air to flow through the hulls it draws cool air from under your body in the pillow or cushion and this cools your body has it rises. This works the other way when your surroundings are cool. Now the air in the pillow is warmed by your body, but now for the good bit. If your body starts to get to warm and the air around it warms up then the pillow lets your body draw cool air from under it again.
buckwheat hulls