Please note that this card is for an Apple II or II+ only.  See my other listing for the Apple IIe card. Have awesome sharp graphics on your Apple II or II+ computer!  This VGA card uses open source software on GitHub designed by Mark Aikens.   I flush mounted the Pico microcontroller and mounted it on the edge of the card for easy software updates.  If you are unfamiliar with the Pi Pico board it is very easy to update software on it.  All you do is hold down the white button on the board and plug it into the USB slot on your computer.  The Pico will look like an additional drive on your computer and you just drag the software over to it.  This card has multiple monitor modes built in.  The default is the Apple II color graphics with NTSC artifact color.  By just entering the proper Poke statement at the Applesoft Basic prompt you can change to soft monochrome mode to remove the artifact color and simulate a black and white monitor.  By entering a second Poke statement you can change the screen to simulate a green or amber monitor.  In a couple of the pics you can see the Stellar 7 game with the card simulating a green phosphor display.  You can see in the pic the card mounted in slot 5 next to my disk drive card.  You can mount it in any slot.  For an Apple II or II+ all you need to add is a 5 or 6 foot VGA cable.  Please route the cable carefully to avoid pulling on the card.  Some form of strain relief clamp or zip tie is recommended.    Please see Mark Aikens GitHub page below for more details.  Again, this card will be preprogrammed for an Apple II and II+.  In the future, if you need to change the card to work on an Apple IIe, just grab the correct software from GitHub and just drag and drop onto the card.  Also, I've included a link to the latest software release page so you can update the card in the future.  This link also includes a really neat VGA configuration .dsk file that you can use to change all the graphics modes via a menu instead of using Poke statements and the latest software now includes various fonts for different languages as well as adding lowercase to the Apple II.  You can now save the custom changes to the flash memory on the graphics card.  The pcb has a gold ENIG finish.