This adorable Brachiosaurus Baby toy from the Wild Safari Prehistoric World collection is sure to delight any dinosaur enthusiast. Made by Safari, a trusted brand in educational toys, this toy is perfect for children aged 3 and up.

Brachiosaurus, a large herbivorous sauropod dinosaur, lived during the Late Jurassic Period (155-150 million years ago) in what is now western North America. While the adults were giant and imposing, this Brachiosaurus Baby toy is undeniably adorable!

Brachiosaurus is a rare dinosaur, and none of the known skeletons are complete. We knew nothing about the juveniles until recently when a small skeleton, measuring about 6 feet long, was discovered in Wyoming. Although this may seem significant, considering an adult reached approximately 85 feet in length, it becomes evident that this particular specimen was very young at the time of its demise. The skeleton clearly displays the characteristic short neck and front legs of a juvenile Brachiosaurus.  The scientific name for Brachiosaurus is Branchiosaurus.

Brachiosaurus possessed a small head, long neck and tail, and a colossal, barrel-shaped body. Like all sauropod dinosaurs, they walked on all fours. However, unlike other sauropods, Brachiosaurus had longer front legs than hind legs. This feature, along with its elongated neck, allowed it to extend far into the forest canopy in search of leafy vegetation. A baby Brachiosaurus closely resembled the adult, albeit with notably shorter necks and front legs. This Brachiosaurus Baby toy measures 3 inches in length and 3 inches in height.

The Brachiosaurus Baby is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection and is non-toxic and BPA free.