The Alsaia USB Isolation Module is based on Analog Devices' proprietary iCoupler technology and is USB 2.0 compliant. It provides fully isolated 1.5Mbps and 12 Mbps data rates, isolates 1500V, requires no external power supply, and requires no drivers. Use the USB buckle to protect yourself from external strong power and strong signal interference, and protect the computer's USB port and computer motherboard.
Compatible with USB2.0
Power module isolation voltage: 1500V
ADUM3160 isolation voltage: 2500V
Power supply: taken from the computer host USB port
Output power B0505S power is 1W
Support USB control transfer, batch transfer, interrupt transfer, sync/isochronous transfer
Support USB low speed 1.5Mbps and full speed 12Mbps, can be switched by dial switch, does not support pure high speed equipment
After a test support equipment:
Full equipment:
USB flash drive, digital camera, card reader, mobile hard disk, U aegis,, USB hub, AVRJTAG, AVRISP, AVRISPMKII, S - Lab, JET51, JJ L, FET430UIF, PICKIT2, XDS100, for LPC cc-link, ICD2, USB serial port (FT232, CP2102, PL2303, CH341 chips)
Low speed devices:
Keyboard, mouse, USBASP, USBHID equipment, USBCDC equipment.
Tested part does not support the USB wireless network card, see USB flash drive. 
