Chakras are fundamental to an understanding of holistic healing. These handmade vegan-friendly soaps help ignite the color therapy and one aura. The soaps are to help aid in whatever task is at hand. Think of it as a blank canvas. Each color is linked to an affirmation, which helps ignites your chakra. As you use it will help charge the intention.

7th Crown Chakra - (Violet)

Stone: Amethyst

Body Sense: All the senses

Affirmation: "I am connected to the wisdom of the universe. I am open to divine wisdom; I live in the present moment ."

Scent: Lavender

6th Third Eye Chakra - (Deep Blue)

Stone: Lapis Lazuli

Body Sense: Extra-sensory perception

Affirmation: "I learn from my experiences; I am in touch with my inner guidance. I listen to the wisdom of others."

Scent: Watermint

5th Throat Chakra - (Turquoise)

Stone: Turquoise

Body Sense: Hearing

Affirmation: "I speak my truth; I live an authentic life and have integrity. I nourish myself with creativity."

Scent: Eucalyptus

4th Heart Chakra - (Green)

Stone: Green Aventurine

Body Sense: Touch

Affirmation: "I am open to love; I forgive myself and others; I live in balance and peace." Scent: Cedar

3rd Solar Plexus Chakra - (Yellow)

Stone: Citrine

Body Sense: Sight

Affirmation: "I am the architect of my life. I feel my own power. I am proud of myself and my achievements."

Scent: Coco Mango

2nd Sacral Chakra - (Orange)

Stone: Carnelian

Body Sense: Taste

Affirmation: "I allow myself to experience pleasure; I value and respect my body; I am passionate."

Scent: Grapefruit & Mint

1st Base Chakra - (Red)

Stone: Red Jasper

Body Sense: Smell

Affirmation: "I am deeply rooted; I make healthy choices; I trust myself."

Scent: Apple Cinnamon

  • Each soap weighs approximately 3 ounces
  • Sold in a set of 7