Parasite DETOX. H Pylori anti parasite tea. Contains a blend of 7 different healing herbs and spices, all known to be highly beneficial towards promoting a healthy gut and digestive system. This powerful blend has been especially formulated to kill H pylori worms and parasitises, including the eggs and larvae. 

Ingredients: Mugwort, Wormwood, Sage, Linseed, Fennel, Clove and Lemon. Tried (and well tested) potent blend using herbs from the wild, and organically home grown culinary herbs. All natural, no pesticides, GMO, no additives. Supplied in 30g sealed foil packet. 

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) The name wormwood is derived from ancient use of the plant and its extracts an intestinal anthelmintic (please see note at bottom of listing) anti-parasitic herb that expels parasitic worms and other internal parasites from the body. 

Cloves ( Syzygium aromaticum) contain some of the most powerful germicidal agents in the herbal world, known as Euenol. It also contains Aryphyllene - a powerful anti microbial agent. These components travel through the bloodstream killing microscopic parasites and parasitic larvae and eggs. 

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is a bitter digestive and tonic herb, with a wide variety of traditional uses. Milder in action than it’s close relative Wormwood, improve appetite, aid digestion and absorption of nutrients. It offers a more gentle vermifuge and anthelmintic action, also helping expel parasites and relieve itching..

Sage (Salvia officinalis) Sage is an ancient herb with a long and rich history of medicinal use for a wide variety of ailments. Favoured amongst modern day herbalists for its vast range of therapeutic activities including its powerful antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal, antioxidant, cleansing and detoxing effects. 

Fennel (Foeniculam vulgare) contains powerful anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and anti spasmodic agents. Fennel can also be effective against worms and parasites due to the volatile oil anethole which gives fennel its characteristic aniseed flavour. Fennel has also been shown to help with digestion by reducing inflammation in the bowels and decreasing bacteria that causes grassiness and discomfort. 

Linseed/Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) The flavonoids found in linseed are well known anti inflammatories and are thought to play a role in reducing the low grade inflammation that triggers many chronic diseases. Linseed has long been used as a gentle and natural relief for constipation due to its high mucilage fibre content, but it has a whole host of other medicinal benefits that help promote bowel health and a healthy digestive system.  

(Organic unwaxed) Lemon Rich in vitamin C and a potent antioxidant. Vitamin C protects the cells against free radicals, and has the potential to reduce gut inflammation and boost the immune system. It is also a natural antimicrobial, helping to protect against infections and balance the bacteria in the microbiome. 

Note: Anthelmintics are drugs used for treating parasitic worms. They kill parasites by: Binding to nerves and muscle cells and causing paralysis and eventually death of the parasite. Blocking the transport of glucose by the cells and thus causing paralysis of the parasite.

Dosage: divide the herbs into the 7 bags provided, each bag will make three cups of tea Drink 1 cup 3 x  a day before meals, continue course for 7 days. Please note, this is only a weeks course to kill the h pylori and any parasites, this tea contains herbs known as ‘bitters’, some people find the tea more palatable with a little pure honey or other natural sweetener added. 

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and not intended to cure, treat or prevent disease. Always consult your Health provider before using new supplements or health regimes, especially important if you’re, trying for a baby, pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any other medications, or suffer from allergies. This does not constitute medical advice.