No box replacement shoelaces . All signs of wear shown in pictures

Elevate your sneaker game with these Nike Dunks Honeydew High in US size 10.5. Perfect for any occasion, whether it be activewear or casual wear, these sneakers offer comfort and cushioning with their leather outsole material and cushioned features. The solid green color and high-top shoe shaft style make them a versatile addition to any sneaker collection.

These Nike Dunks Honeydew are a classic model with a modern twist, manufactured in 2022 for the ultimate sneaker enthusiast. The leather lining material and standard shoe width provide a snug fit, while the performance/activity options of skateboarding, basketball, and running & jogging make them perfect for any athlete. With a product line of Nike Dunk High, these shoes are a must-have for anyone looking for both style and substance in their footwear.