Our priority is customer satisfaction, quality and fast shipping.

• In order to be close to the polished state of the stones, the stones were soaked and taken under light.

• Care has been taken to preserve the natural colors of the stone while taking photographs.

• I do combined shipping for multiple purchases.

• Pair of 1075 grams (2.37 lb) in total

• Size 12.70cm/7.60cm/11.40cm --- 5.00"/3.00"/4.50" (inc)

• Origin is Ankara-Cubuk-Turkey


It is 100% natural. Ankara Cubuk Susuz Village  Agate; Ankara Cubuk Agates is among the most beautiful agate stones in the world.

For multiple purchases, your cargo discount and campaign discounts are automatically calculated in the basket. You can be sure that I will get the most suitable shipping cost from you and deliver your cargo as soon as possible. For multiple purchases, you can request an invoice before paying when your order is complete.

Please ask any question about your order at any time. It will be answered as soon as possible.