holster break-in kit

Part Number:holster-break-in-kit


Comes with everything you need to properly break-in your new leather holster


The leather oil we use is Made in the USA!


Kits include: resealable bag with instructions, 9ML of Farnham Pure Neatsfoot and 1 small wool dobber


We often get asked by customers what they should use to break-in their holsters, so we came up with a kit specifically for that purpose! Our kit comes with everything you need to properly break-in your new leather holster. And unlike other sellers, you won't get jipped with a half full bottle! We fill our bottles with just enough room left in case the fluid expands!

Use the included dobber to apply the break-in liquid to the inside of your holster and let it soak into the leather.
Wrap your pistol in a thick plastic bag, like a Ziplock bag.
Insert your pistol into the holster. Let it sit over night.
Remove the bag and check your fit. If still too tight, repeat the process again and use two bags.

*If break-in liquid isn't soaking into the leather, you may need to use some alcohol to clean/clear off leather sealer

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