This painting by Charles Burton Barber (1845 - 1894) was commissioned at a time when sentimental images of dogs, cats and other pets were fashionable due to the influence of Queen Victoria and the Royal family. Barber became one of Queen Victoria's favourite painters and he was commissioned to paint several works of art for her. During the twentieth century this popularity for images of domestic pets passed and Barber disappeared into obscurity. It was only in the 1980s that Victorian narrative art saw a tremendous revival. As such, 'A Special Pleader' was reproduced and very quickly became the most popular selling print of 1983–1984. 
I purchased this in 1983 from Cameo Gallery in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands. It is an oil canvas board and an immensely well produced example of this work. I have lovingly kept it for the last 25 years wrapped in protective wrapping and there is no damage to the dark wood frame (minor scuffs) and the print has not diminished in its beauty. It is in excellent condition. I no longer have a need for it as don't have the wall space, even though I still love the picture. For any collector, this is a really good acquisition. For obvious reasons I have placed it for sale under 'collection only'.