DESKA 10P 11IR/EL 1.5 LDA CNC Turning Tool Grooving Carbide Insert FOR SER
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Our Ganxin company holds: Pursue excellent quality, create a world brand, and let all manufacturing factories in the world use the most cost-effective products. Based on the principle of "customer first", we provide high-quality services to global customers. In addition to our own brand IRON ROOT with good reputation, high quality and high cost performance. We also sell these brands: DESKAR, Sandvik, ZCC.CT, HADSTO, korloy, Taegutec, etc.
IRON ROOT specializes in providing customers with high-precision turning, milling, cutting, drilling, grooving and thread processing indexable CNC inserts for carbide, cermet and aluminum blades, and is equipped with various processing materials suitable for processing Corresponding chip-breaking geometries for roughing, finishing and semi-finishing.
In addition to CNC tools with matching blades, we also have taps, alloy drills, alloy milling cutters, high-speed steel milling cutters, high-speed steel drills, U drills, machine tool accessories, etc. All brands of CNC tools are very cheap, and there are some models. It is not listed in our shop. If you need more products, you can send us a message.
This shop is a physical company with a large inventory. The products sold are all original products, and there are more stocks not listed
We value our reputation, we buy and sell online, so we understand the value of trust. If you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us and we will work with you to solve it so that you are satisfied.
Pursue excellent quality, create a world brand, and let all manufacturing factories in the world use the most cost-effective products.