Items shipped via the eBay Standard Envelope may have their tracking marked as "out for delivery" or "delivered" up to a day before actual delivery to your address. Please be patient. 
I can offer refunds or replacements if the item DOES NOT show up within one business day after being marked as "out for delivery" or "delivered".
Orders greater than $20 or containing rigid or large items will be shipped via USPS Ground Advantage and do not have this issue.
These are replacement labels for N64 cartridges. They feature a laminated surface that will protect them from wear and tear.
I have every English North American game release available. You must send me a note or message when ordering to specify which game(s) you want. Choose the "Your Choice" option.

I also have every PAL exclusive English release available. I do not have any Japanese or other language/region releases, but I can make them if you have a high quality scan to send me (use the "Custom Image" option).
I can also include a replacement for the rear label of the N64 cart by request.

You can also get your own custom label by selecting the "Custom Image" option and messaging me the image that you want. The image must be of acceptable quality.

Please be sure to remove any remains of the damaged original label and clean and dry the surface before applying to assure proper adhesion. Be aware that using a replacement label may affect future resale value of a cartridge.

Shipping: The default shipping option for US buyers is free but does not have tracking. You may select the USPS Ground Advantage shipping option for tracking at an additional cost. Label/Sticker orders totally $20 or more receive USPS Ground Advantage shipping for free.