****ENG  unten****


 DUCHESNE AINE, Jean (1779-1855).

Génie Funèbre.

Kupferstich, unkoloriert.

Antike griechisch-römische Statuen. Illustration aus Ausgabe "Musée Francais; Recueil Des Plus Beaux Tableaux, Statues, et Bas-Reliefs Qui Existaient Au Louvre Avant 1815". [Museum von Frankreich; Sammlung der schönsten Gemälde, Statuen und Bas-Reliefs, die vor 1815 im Louvre waren].

Herausgegeben von W. Galignani und J. O. Robinson, Paris und London: 1829, gedruckt von Jules Didot. 

58,5 х 43 cm, insgesamt. Sehr guter Zustand.

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DUCHESNE AINE, Jean (1779-1855).

Génie Funèbre.

Copperplate engraving, uncolored.

Ancient Greco-Roman Statues, a sheet from edition "Musée Francais; Recueil Des Plus Beaux Tableaux, Statues, et Bas-Reliefs Qui Existaient Au Louvre Avant 1815". [Museum of France; A Collection of the Most Beautiful Paintings, Statues, and Bas-Reliefs That Were at the Louvre Before 1815].

Published W. Galignani and J.O. Robinson, Paris and London: 1829, printed by Jules Didot. 

23 x 17 inches, overall. Very good condition.


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All items are packed very carefully professionally.


All items in our store are not new, but vintage, so used. Please take this into consideration when purchasing.



Photos are an essential part of the descriptions, please look carefully. If you have any questions regarding condition or would like extra photos, please message us before purchasing.